Far West Inc

Apply Online

Scholarship Application

    Contact Information

    Education Plan

    Education Information

    Personal Statement

    Each Answer Must Be Typed.

    What are your educational and career goals and how do you plan to achieve them?

    What encouraged you to pursue your educational and career goals?

    What are ways you could contribute to your community or your culture upon completion of your educational and career goals?

    Why should you be considered to receive a scholarship?

    Assignment of Rights/Waiver of Liability

    I, the undersigned, have the authority to hereby grant the Far West Inc Settlement Trust the right and permission to use, at FWIST’s discretion, photographs and images of me, as well as any biographical information disclosed to FWIST by me for promotional and/or informational purposes. I understand that no monetary or other compensation will be offered to me in exchange for these rights and permissions. Usage encompasses, but is not limited to, newsletters, printed publication and other collateral, internet and web sites, advertising, video and/or audio presentations. I forever release, discharge, and agree to hold FWIST and its affiliates, officers, directors, employees and agents harmless from any liability by virtue of any use whatsoever of said photographs, images, or biographical information.

    Please read the following terms and conditions and initial next to each statement to signal that you have read each term and condition and that you agree with and understand you will be bound by these terms and conditions:

    I certify that all information and documentation in this application is true and correct.

    I understand this application does not commit the Trust to award me a scholarship.

    I understand LATE and INCOMPLETE applications will not be reviewed.

    I understand that my application materials cannot be returned to the applicant.

    If I am awarded a scholarship, I agree to the following:

    I will use all funds to further my education in the program represented to the Trust in my application.

    I will maintain and satisfactorily complete a full-time or part-time status for the entire semester/quarter or program I am receiving the scholarship.

    I will maintain at least a 2.5 or higher GPA for the entire educational period I am receiving the scholarship.

    I will submit my official transcripts or certification of completion when due and meet all other reporting requirements.

    I will immediately notify the Trust of any changes to my academic status.

    If for any reason I withdraw from my education program or if I do not maintain the scholarship requirements:

    • I must return any unused scholarship funds within 30 days months of occurrence.

    • I will not be permitted to apply for another scholarship for one (1) full year from the initial date of award.

    By typing your full legal name below, you are providing your electronic signature.

    Today's Date

    By typing your full legal name below, you are providing your electronic signature.

    Today's Date

    Upload Letter of acceptance from school:

    Upload Official Transcripts from the Latest School of Attendance (for Academic Scholarships only):

    For CEUs:Proof that course is required to acquire or maintain licensure:

    Proof of Enrollment Status (i.e., full or part-time, registered (if CEU)):

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